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05-May 5, 2009
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 6:30 PM, Memorial City Hall

Present: Anthony Bartolotta, Frank Reginelli, Sam Giangreco, John Breanick, Allen Zentner

Absent: Anne McCarthy

Staff:  Stephen Selvek, Sr. Planner; John Rossi, Corporation Counsel; Brian Hicks, Sr. Code Enforcement Officer

Absent: Tom Weed, APD

Agenda Items: 355-357 Clark Street / 63-65 Belmont Avenue, 352 Genesee Street, 35 Bradley Street

Items Tabled: 355-357 Clark Street / 63-65 Belmont Avenue, 352 Genesee Street, 35 Bradley Street

The Chair calls the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance is recited and roll is called.

Agenda Item 1:  Minutes of April 7, 2009
Chair asks for a motion to accept the minutes of April 7, 2009. So moved by John Breanick, seconded by Allen Zentner. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2: Application for Major Site Plan Review and associated lot merger for the construction of 30 semidetached homes (15 individual structures) and a community building on parcels located at 355-357 Clark Street and 63-65 Belmont Avenue.

Chair invites applicant or agent to speak.

Gregory Lane, DEV Consulting – the project has been brought before the ZBA for lead agency for SEQR and for a use variance.  Once a variance is decided the project will be presented for site plan approval.

Susan Kimmel, President 2+4 Construction – the project is for 30 semi-detached, low income, 2 & 3 bedroom housing units. 3 units are fully handicapped accessible and the remaining are adaptable. Funding is in place from the NYS Housing Trust Fund. There are housing service agreements with Cayuga/Seneca ARC for developmentally disabled and Cayuga/Seneca Community Action for displacement.  We are using the NYS green building initiative. We will be using the front parcel with no plans for the wooded back parcel at this time. We would consider a purchase offer for it.

Chair invites the public to speak.

Tony Siracusa, Belmont Ave – questions who is paying for the road, income range of tenants, square footage of units, number of people per unit, lot size, need for the variance, screening process, distance from Clark St., water pressure effects. There is already low-income housing on Belmont Ave and it is always is a deplorable state. Does not want anything else like that in the neighborhood.

Sue Kimmel – the road is part of the development costs. Minimum income ranges are between $12,200 and $16,450 for 2 bedroom and $18,275 to $19,900 for 3 bedroom in compliance with HUD guidelines. The sewer line will be installed by the developer from property on Belmont Ave.  The units will be 800-1200 square feet with 2 people per bedroom limit per NYS design standards. We will be developing 8.5 acres of the parcel.  2+4 is a professional management company & we will be maintaining the property.  All applicants are screened for criminal background and credit check. Felony convictions are automatically disqualified.  We have worked with the City Engineer concerning water pressure.  

Tony Siracusa – questions the variance and egress

Gregory Lane – there will be access from Clark St. only

Stephen Selvek – the use variance applies only to the plans submitted. The area in the rear remains as is, R1 with no variance attached.

Gregory Lane – in the use variance application all three parcels are listed, as we couldn’t separate them out but the Boards will work together to give approval for the project site only. The back ½ of the lot is for sale.

Dorothy Cobb, Mullen Dr. – haven’t found any neighbors in favor of the project. Although many were not notified the project will affect more than the legal definition for notification.  We have received different answers from everyone asked. A buffer zone is needed between the project and the neighborhood. There will be increased wildlife in the residential areas due to loss of habitat.  The narrowness of the lot does not provide enough buffer.  APD and AFD coverage is not adequate. Traffic increase will be a problem.  Affordable housing states it will not change real estate values but the real estate agents disagree. Decent tenants hard to come by.  Look into community renewal of the City to fix what’s there instead of adding to it. Questions the City’s responsibility if change of ownership/management occurs and if tenant loses their job.

Gregory Lane – we have offered every neighbor abutting the site to move the property line to give them more back yard.

Sue Kimmel – NYS funds are for a 50-year deed restriction. Any new manager is bound by the same criteria. Any tenant unable to pay rent would be evicted.

Stephen Selvek – as for notification it is done in accordance with regulations set forth in the City Ordinance. It is also posted in the Citizen and on the City web site.

Cynthia S. George, Cayuga Seneca ARC – speaks in support of the project as a much needed entity for the people it will serve.

Dorothy Rigby, Mullen Dr. – was not notified and lives behind the project. Not as concerned about the greenery or animals but about safety.  Would rather have a fence along the buffer zone. There are already people cutting through her property.  Also, the noise will increase.

Linda Cottler, Belmont Ave – asks for more timely notification.

Stephen Selvek – we send out notifications as soon as possible.

Linda Cottler – also knows of no one in support of the project. Turns in petition signed by neighbors against the project.

Chair closes the public hearing and asks the Board for comments.

John Breanick – many different concerns voiced.  As good faith make the no exit on Belmont Ave part of the site plan.  Consider fencing for those concerned about it. Questions lighting.

Sue Kimmel – employing the dark sky initiative

John Breanick – is the developer amenable to no access on Belmont Ave?

Gregory Lane – if the back lot is developed access may be required there. Would probably agree for this project only to have no access on Belmont Ave. We can’t speak for any other possible projects.

Chair asks for Staff comments.

Stephen Selvek – ZBA passed the resolution to name themselves as lead in SEQR review. DEC has sent in their comments so SEQR can move forward at the end of this month. Once approval has been made on SEQR and the use variance the project will come before this Board for final approval. The City Engineer and APD have reviewed this project. Recommendation is to table until ZBA determination is made.

John Breanick – would like APD present for final review.

Stephen Selvek – APD is part of the review process through the Design Review Committee and there were no concerns voiced.  We will be sure he is available for the next meeting or sends a memo regarding the project.

Chair asks for a motion to table the project until the next meeting. So moved by John Breanick, seconded by Allen Zentner. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3: Presentation and Sketch Plan Review for the construction of a Tops Market Gas Station, including four fueling pumps, pump canopy, and attendant building along with associated site improvements at 352 Genesee Street.

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

David Tehan introduces all parties involved.

David Tehan, attorney for TOPS; Lou Terragnoli, Corporate Development for TOPS; Charlene Crave, District Manager; Tom Wolanski, Clough Harbor; Chuck Norris, Project Manager for the gas station; Rich Szachta, TOPS manager.

Lou Terragnoli – gives overview of the project – multi-million dollar renovation of the entire site with the addition of a gas station

Tom Wolanski – Has met with OPED staff and DRC to update plan. Purpose tonight is to gain input from the Board and improve the site. The fueling station is a minor portion of the entire project. It will consist of a 4 pump fueling station with a covered canopy and a 10’x20’ manned kiosk at the corner of Genesee St. and Lexington Ave. Hours will be 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.  Access will be from Genesee St. Looking into access from Lexington Ave 160 feet from the intersection.  Storm water plan has been done. Landscape plan has been done.  Traffic circulation plan has been done.  Additional buffering and fencing will be added.

Frank Reginelli – questions if propane and diesel will be offered.

Chuck Norris – diesel hard to keep clean around the islands. Propane not considered.

Frank Reginelli – would like to see this more serviceable to the neighbors.

Lou Terragnoli – purpose of the program is for customers already on site as a direct benefit to them. The basic price is less than the national cost plus the customer discount.

Charlene Craven – based on purchases via the bonus club card there is a discount/gallon.

Frank Reginelli – would like to see the island access extended.

Tom Wolanski – will look into it. Will have a striping plan done.

John Breanick – questions maintenance and snow storage.

Rich Szachta – plowing is done by Hoskins Farms and stored on the west side.

Chair invites the public to speak.  None.  Chair asks the Board for comments.

Anthony Bartolotta – questions if products will be sold at the kiosk.

Lou Terragnoli – possible cigarettes. Main purpose is for the attendant.

Sam Giangreco – cash or credit?

Chuck Norris – both

Chair asks for Staff comments.

Stephen Selvek – DRC has reviewed and is happy with the progress so far. APD is ok with the plans. Lighting recessed in the canopy with no off casting.  Sidewalk at Lexington will cross through the drive not vice versa. Information needed: materials of kiosk, type of fencing, possibly extending the island or delineating traffic patterns better.

John Breanick – questions anticipated traffic flow.

Lou Terragnoli – 55% is the existing cars in the lot, 35% is existing traffic going by anyway, balance will be from the surrounding neighborhood that will add about 1 extra car every 5 minutes.

Stephen Selvek – This is a sketch plan review and no Board action is needed tonight. I’m expecting the applicant to submit a formal application for next month’s meeting.

Agenda Item 4: Application for Major Site Plan Review for the construction of a landfill gas-to-energy facility, including an approximate 4,570 SF building and exterior equipment located at 35 Bradley Street.

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

Gary Craig – CH Auburn is pursuing renewable energy projects. Reviews design report (attached)

Tim Carpenter, Stearns & Whaler – site survey is a 6 acre parcel. The project is on part of the site behind the City maintenance building.

John Breanick – questions if existing cells are being tapped.

Gary Craig – they all are

John Breanick – questions capacity for 4th engine if required.

Gary Craig – none, expansion would be needed.

Chair – invites the public to speak.

Stephen Selvek – reads letter of support from Christina Selvek, staff to the Auburn Municipal Power Agency

Chair – closes the public hearing and asks the Board for comments.

Allen Zentner – questions the water source.

Gary Craig – reviews where the water comes from and is being used.  The desire is to screen the project from the industrial park. We have discussed using evergreens to be placed at some point within the next three years.

John Breanick – questions maintenance

Gary Craig – will discuss with the City. The facility will have to be maintained within the fenced area.

Stephen Selvek – the plan is to have dense evergreen strip without planting beds to help screen/hid what is there and to be maintenance free.

Chair asks for staff comments.

Stephen Selvek – SEQR was completed by Council with this Board as an involved agency. A negative declaration was declared so SEQR is completed.  This is a technical project but simple from site plan view. Some answers are still needed: location of the natural gas line, fencing, west lease line. One note: this would not typically be brought before this Board but because the City is in the partnership with CH Auburn it is being presented by CH Auburn.  Recommendation is to table until uncertainties have been satisfied and a completed final site plan is presented.

Chair asks for a motion to table. So move by John Breanick, seconded by Anthony Bartolotta. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Next meeting June 2, 2009 at 6:30p.m. Motion to adjourn made by Allen Zentner, seconded by John Breanick. All members vote approval.

Meeting adjourned.
Recorded by Alicia McKeen